All-Amazing Comments

Cover | Contents | Green Lama | The Cloak
The Heroic Traffic Cop | Letters

Golden Years Library

Next Issue Box

All-Golden Comics #1
(2 Weeks)

Daredevil, The Cadet, and the Switchboard Heroine!

All-Amazing Comics #2
(4 Weeks)

The Target and the Targeteers, Black Terror, and Speck, Spot and Sis!

Spotlight Comics #1
(5 Weeks)

"The Story Behind the Cover," Biff Bannon, Little Ugh, and Ya' Just Can't Win.

Our Covers This Month

That's all for All-Amazing this month! Remember, "Keep 'em flying!"

Hi there, and welcome to the first issue of All-Amazing! This book is, if you couldn't tell, heavily patterned off of Bill Nolan's Pure Excitement Comics (which is highly recommended that you read!!!) Like his book, I will publish three Golden Age stories each month (as long as my supply holds up). Unlike his book, which started because of a lack of material for Golden Age fans, mine has started because of a virtual tidal wave of material in clubs, newsgroups, etc. where not everyone has a chance to read it. If you wish to donate a story(s) to this book please e-mail me at the address below.

I want to hear from you!!! Send your thoughts on this issue, suggestions for future issues, questions, or anything related to this site to me at!

Cover Gallery

This month in the cover gallery, we have Green Lama #5.

All-Amazing Comics and site design copyright 2010, Eric Schumacher. Unless otherwise noted, all images and stories are believed to be in the public domain and/or fall under "fair use."